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IMPORTANT: This information is only relevant for anyone who has completed the Studio Pilates Reformer Course prior to 2018.
In 2018, Studio Pilates revamped its Reformer Course featuring a brand new manual and a number of new videos.
We are now giving Studio Pilates Reformer trained instructors the opportunity to upgrade and receive access to the new course materials.
The new Online Training Centre features the best components of the existing course resources with some exciting improvements
New Course Manual
New Online Training Centre
Do I Qualify to Purchase the Updated Reformer Course Materials?
If you have completed the Studio Pilates Reformer Course prior to 2018, you are able to purchase access to the new and revised course content.
Can I Purchase a Hard Copy of the New Reformer Manual?
Yes! The new Reformer Manual is pretty big (630 pages!). That's a lot to print out yourself, so if you would prefer a hard copy of the manual, simply select this option at the checkout. Please be aware the digital option when upgrading a course does not include the hard copy manual as this is not a course enrolment as stated on the online training centre, this is a course upgrade. The digital manual isn't able to be downloaded either, you will be able to access this when connected to the internet on a web browser.